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We care about our community, both the families we serve directly and those who enjoy our produce through a restaurant or local grocer.

So we want to hear from you. Have a question or concern? Want to tell us you loved our melons or share a new recipe you’ve made using our produce?

Send us an e-mail, find us on Facebook or give us a call.

For information on our CSA program, click here or email Whitney Nickless at

To learn more about our food safety practices, click here or email our Food Safety Manager, Autumn Freeman, at

Grocery stores, restaurants and those interested in wholesale or direct sale business, please contact our Market & Sales Office (open July to September only):

5388 E Gauger Rd
Oaktown, IN 47561
P 812-745-4033
F 812-745-2030

Jake, Watermelon Wholesale:

Cory Smith, Accounts Receivable/Office Manager:

Norman Conde, Project Manager:

Melon Acres Corporate Office:

14556 N Old 41
PO Box 198
Oaktown, IN 47561
P 812-745-2807

Mike Horrall, president of Melon Acres, can be reached at

We’re accepting applications!

Click here to pick one up.